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979 Soldering Flux

979 Soldering Flux

Kester 979 is a VOC-free, no-clean flux formulation for high quality, low-defect soldering of electronic circuit board assemblies. This flux\'s finely tuned activation system offers the best wetting available in VOC-free liquid flux technology and the shiniest solder joints. 979 also reduces micro solderballing on glossy laminates and between connector pins. 979 will not attack properly cured solder masks or FR-4 Epoxy-Glass laminate. 979 leaves a minimal amount of residue after soldering. All remaining residues are non-corrosive, non-conductive and do not need to be removed. Share
Size (liters) Size (gallons) Halogen Content Description Part # Type Type 2
1 Contains Halogen 979 Soldering Flux 1 GAL 6300000979 No-Clean VOC-Free
5 Contains Halogen 979 Soldering Flux 5 GAL 6400000979 No-Clean VOC-Free
53 Contains Halogen 979 Soldering Flux 53 GAL 6500000979 No-Clean VOC-Free
20 Contains Halogen 979 Soldering Flux 20 LIT 6600000979 No-Clean VOC-Free